Posts Tagged ‘ NASA ’

Response: The Space Shuttle Lifts Off for the Last Time — Will We Retreat from the Last Frontier?

My response is based on the following article:

Jones advocates the government’s support of NASA to advance developments in space. I disagree with his stance, as it is merely quixotic and improbable. His argument primarily based on national pride; throughout the article, he constantly refers to “America’s long-term leadership in space”. This demonstrates that he does not understand that space missions are not realistically among the prime concerns of the White House. Jones also makes a radical, if not flawed, assumption: that the space missions will succeed with no particular difficulties. However, there is no guarantee of success – despite the past American achievements in space, people must take into consideration that everything is a risk as well as an experiment. People still have yet to learn about the world beyond planet Earth. Nevertheless, he proposes a vague, questionable plan such as increasing NASA’s budget (“…an extra $3 billion per year….this would increase NASA’s share of federal spending to 0.6% annually.”), and putting up resources to speed up progress. Jones does not properly address the possible conflicts and issues that may occur throughout the process. Had he been able to relate his plan to specific events and calculate possible outcomes, his plan would be able to attract more advocates of the government-sponsored NASA space missions.


Credits to: Fox News